The Pilgrim's Journey

Jubilee Year 2025

Andrea JLast Updated: February 2nd, 2024Featured Pilgrimages, Italy, Pope Francis

In the Old Testament, the Jewish people were instructed to take a Sabbatical Year every seventh year. The Book of Leviticus, chapter 25, explains that no planting was to happen – no crops grown – to give the land a rest.  Since the Lord rested on the seventh day, all of creation was also to … Read More

The Best Time for a Pilgrimage

Andrea JLast Updated: April 21st, 2023Featured Pilgrimages, Guadalupe, Holy Land, Ireland, Italy, Marian Shrines of Europe, Upcoming Pilgrimages

This is a question we get a lot from pilgrims who call or email us.  The answer can vary based upon priorities and circumstances, but the simplest answer is: anytime! As there are many pilgrimage locations throughout the world, there is always somewhere to go, no matter the season. Summer Summer provides more opportunities for … Read More

The Franciscan Crown Rosary

Andrea JLast Updated: June 5th, 2024Italy, Pilgrims' Stories, Spiritual Reflections

Twenty years ago this spring I traveled to Rome for Holy Week and Easter.  I was studying abroad that year and before I left I told all my friends at the Newman Center that I was going to see the Pope for Easter and I’d love if anyone would like to join me. One friend … Read More

My Final Three

Bri CampbellLast Updated: June 17th, 2022Holy Land, Italy, Medjugorje, Pilgrims' Stories, Spiritual Reflections

July 10, 2017, was my first day working at Tekton Ministries. Nearly 5 years later, I find myself recounting the memories of my top three pilgrimages.  Perhaps you may find inspiration for your next pilgrimage… Italy I went to Italy with Tekton Ministries as I graduated college in 2017. Little did I know, I would … Read More

What Happens in Rome, Stays in Fatima

Bri CampbellLast Updated: May 18th, 2022Italy, Marian Shrines of Europe, Saints

It was a warm May afternoon, pleasantly sunny and warm. The 16th century architecture wrapped around the square, slowly swelling as 10,000 people earned their spot in the sprawling courtyard, woven around fountains and structures, corralled in by hardy trail markers. The general attitude of the growing crowd was gentle exciting, growing with each ticking … Read More

Praying for Rain

Andrea JLast Updated: March 24th, 2022Italy, Saints

Petition is one of many types of prayer, asking the Lord for guidance, graces, healing, and more.  In petitioning God the Father, we are only following the command of Jesus, as He shared with His disciples: “And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will … Read More

A Saint’s Saintly Friend

Andrea JLast Updated: October 7th, 2021Italy, Saints

In recent years, San Giovanni Rotondo, home of St. Padre Pio, receives millions of visitors annually.  During his lifetime, he personally received hundreds of thousands of penitent sinners and heard their confessions, with the goal of converting them further to Christ.  However, with some visitors from Naples, he had an odd response to them coming to see him. “Why do you … Read More

Holy Name Holy Places

Bri CampbellLast Updated: September 23rd, 2021Featured Pilgrimages, France, Holy Land, Ireland, Italy, Marian Shrines of Europe

This week, we celebrated the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and this Sunday, we look forward to commemorating the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary. With only four days separating these two feasts, Our Lady is brought to the forefront of our days during this time. During pilgrimage, our hearts are also drawn … Read More

A Week Full of Easters

Andrea JLast Updated: May 13th, 2021Italy, Spiritual Reflections

He is Risen. He is Risen indeed! This week we celebrate the Octave of Easter – 8 days of feasting and rejoicing. Each of these days is treated as another Easter Sunday. At daily Mass, everyone proclaims the Gloria and Alleluia, as on other solemnities. No fasting is allowed, and the usual practice of abstaining … Read More

Called to Serve in Every Vocation

Andrea JLast Updated: March 29th, 2021Italy, Saints

But grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift. And he gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as pastors and teachers, to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the … Read More

La Via Francigena

Andrea JLast Updated: February 3rd, 2021Camino de Santiago, France, Italy

Travel blogging has become quite popular in recent years. A quick internet search for any destination will result in numerous pages where people have recorded their activities, costs, insights, and recommendations. However, it isn’t a completely novel activity, but merely a modern adaptation of a centuries-old pastime. Travelers throughout the ages have preserved records of … Read More

Saint Agnes had a Little Lamb

Andrea JLast Updated: January 22nd, 2021Italy, Saints

On many Sundays, we hear the name Agnes proclaimed during the Eucharistic prayer after the Consecration. But who was this saint, and what does she have to do with one of the longest Catholic pilgrimage routes in the world?

Finding Mashed Potatoes & Turkey in Rome

Bri CampbellLast Updated: November 24th, 2020Italy, Spiritual Reflections

When my husband and I got married we were blessed to meet the now-Saint John Paul II in person. I wore my wedding dress and Pope John Paul II made the Sign of the Cross over us, took our hands in his, and gave us a nod. It will forever be seared in our memory … Read More

The Goodness of God’s Answers

Bri CampbellLast Updated: August 28th, 2024Italy, Saints, Spiritual Reflections

Have you ever prayed fervently for something to happen only to have the exact opposite thing occur? And you couldn’t understand why in the moment, but later on it became really clear? If so, you are in good company!  St. Monica, like most mothers, worried about her son, the future St. Augustine, and the state of his soul. When … Read More