Pilgrimage Activity Levels

All our pilgrimages require a minimal level or physical fitness, due to the nature of pilgrimage travel in general. However, the physical demands can vary greatly between different pilgrimages.

Therefore, we have assigned one of the following activity levels to each of our pilgrimages to help you decide which pilgrimage best fits your needs and to enable you to physically prepare for your pilgrimage if necessary. Please check the specific pilgrimage you are interested in for its designated level.

Important note: if you require the use of a mobility aid when traveling, please contact our office to see if our pilgrimages are suitable for you. You may need explicit permission from your pilgrimage leader/coordinator if your fitness level is below average.

Level 1 - Moderate

About You:
“I like to be outside and to explore a little, but I also like to sit down and take in the views around me.”

What to Expect:
  • This pilgrimage consists of minimal walking between sites, or the option to sit out from more strenuous activities.
  • The terrain is varied with slight to minimal imperfections, not suitable for wheelchairs. The terrain may include stairs, sidewalks, streets, walking paths, cobblestones, and curbs.
  • You may be standing for long periods of time in lines or at holy sites, yet there will be ample time to rest in prayer at the sites.
  • You may be able to return to your hotel during the day (opting out of other activities) if you need a rest.
  • Plan on up to 2 miles (5,000 steps) per day of scheduled activities.
  • Optional activities can add more steps and more physical exertion.

Level 2 - Challenging

About You:
"I like to get moving and take in everything! I want to see as much as I can, but I don’t mind a break here and there.”

What to Expect:
  • This pilgrimage consists of moderate walking between sites and shrines, or from the bus to the pilgrimage sites. Your days may begin early and end late.
  • The terrain is varied and may include moderate imperfections such as cobblestones, stairs, hills, and curbs. You will also be climbing the stairs on and off the bus multiple times daily.
  • Though there will be ample time to pray at the holy sites, you may be standing for long periods of time in lines or at the sites.
  • Up to 3-4 miles (10,000 steps) per day.
  • Additional time to explore the sites or the pilgrimage areas will add additional steps and physical exertion.

Level 3 - Demanding

About You:
"I have a knack for adventure, and will do whatever necessary to obtain it! I’m game for anything, and don’t mind enduring long days to get my fill!”

What to Expect:
  • This pilgrimage is quite physically demanding with some periods of extensive walking between shrines and holy sites, as well as from the pilgrimage coach to the sites. The days may begin early and end late, with little to no rest time back at the hotel during the day.
  • The varied terrain includes moderate to extensive stairs and low to high grades. Popular pilgrimage sites will require standing for long periods of time in lines or at sites. You will also be on/off the bus multiple times daily.
  • Up to 5-6 miles (15,000 steps) per day
  • While exploring sites on your free time, you will add more steps and more distance to these estimates.

Level 4 - Strenuous

About You:
“I’m ready to enter into a tough spiritual and physical journey. I’m prepared for long and full days; my time on this pilgrimage is definitely going to bring me abundant graces!”

What to Expect:
  • This pilgrimage requires a high level of physical fitness and endurance. Most of your time will be spent walking, with highly varied terrain ranging from asphalt roads to forest trails. There are moderate inclines and declines each day.
  • There is little to no motorcoach transportation between sites/resting places, and you may spend much of the day on your own, with little physical support.
  • The pilgrimage includes multiple physically demanding days in a row. These days may begin early and end late.
  • 9+ miles per day