Yesterday, the world entered a period of mourning for the longest reigning English monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. Her life and death have been marked with all the celebrations and festivities fit for an earthly queen. Over the next few days, or even weeks, there will be news reports, tv programs, special newspaper editions, and the like, as befits a woman of her status.
Yesterday was also the birthday of another Queen, one the world did not celebrate with the same pomp and circumstance as Queen Elizabeth, either during her life or at the time of her death. Hers was a life quietly lived in the service of God. Her birth was humble, born to older parents. Her life was simple and her faith devout. Yet, she was the one chosen by God to bear His Son. And thus, upon her death, she became Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Her coronation did not take place in Westminster Abbey with dignitaries and royalty alike, but in Heaven, surrounded by the Saints and Angels. Not an earthly orchestra, but a choir of angels chorused at her celebration. There were no flashbulbs of photographers attempting to preserve every moment, but the true heavenly Light of the World shining brilliantly upon her, preserving her queenship for eternity.
While not a holy day of obligation as is her Immaculate Conception in December, the birthday of Mary is a time of great celebration in the Church. It is a time to reflect on Mary as our Queen and our Mother and celebrate the spiritual graces and life she helps birth for all of us.
To learn more about how to make the Virgin Mary Queen of your life, please click here.