An Exclusive Sneak Peak at Our New Logo

Stephanie Engelman    |   Last Updated: June 4, 2020
An Exclusive Sneak Peak at Our New Logo

At Tekton, our mission is to help Catholics encounter Christ through pilgrimages that are authentically Catholic and spiritually transformative. We’ve recently undergone an effort to ensure that our image reflects this mission, and we want you to be the first to know about some of those changes.

Today, we’re excited to share our new logo with you:

The new color, blue, is both soothing and calming. A pilgrimage – a source of spiritual healing – should soothe and calm the soul. Blue also represents our Mother Mary, to whom we entrust our daily prayers, and is symbolic of the sea and sky which pilgrims travel.

There are several important symbols within the logo as well. The dome represents St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, a prominent symbol of the Church and a favorite pilgrimage site. Behind and above the Basilica, the hands of a priest elevate a host during consecration. The Eucharist is at the center of our pilgrimages. It is the most intimate encounter we can have with Christ, and the very “source and summit of Christian life.” (CCC 1324) Thus, we feature it as the “summit” of our new logo. Light seems to emanate from the Host, reflective of the many graces we receive through the Sacrament, and also of its ability to empower us all to be the light of Christ to each other and to the world.

This logo will remind pilgrims – and the ministry team at Tekton – that a pilgrimage is a spiritual journey, that is meant to bring us closer to Christ, help us to become more like Him, and equip us in our call to be His hands and feet in the world.

This logo is the first in several changes you’ll see in the coming days. The website will have a slightly different look and feel, and – we hope – will be easier to navigate and find what you’re looking for. We will also offer additional resources to engage pilgrims from the comfort of their own homes.
